In Radiation Industry, RPO and company may face some difficulties in order to fulfilling the AELB licensing requirements from time to time. Start with applying a new license with AELB there is some difficulties need to face it.
Next regarding AELB procedure, license need to renew within minimum 1 years and maximum every 3 years. Its usually leads to improper record keeping and if this persist, it will create problems during licensing renewal process with the AELB in the future. The improper of documentation will ensure effect the period of your license renewal. RadExpert Services Sdn Bhd is offering its consultancy services in order to solve this problem. In this service we are provide periodical visits to assess the situation at sites. All compulsory records, documents, licensed apparatuses, personnel safety gears and conditions of working areas will be checked and updated prior to the annual audit by the AELB enforcement for the purpose of license renewal.
Whatever a new regulation that you must comply it, we will update directly to you. In beginning of year 2014 every company who had a AELB license, must have an Emergency Plan and Security Plan. Yes, we also offering a solution to create this Emergency Plan and Security Plan comply with AELB standard for your company. Furthermore, our company also provide a services for create a new and an update existing Radiation Protection Programed (RPP) according to the new standard given by AELB.